Stage Three
Theme and Representation - In the unit “People Live Here” students will broaden their knowledge by comparing and analysing their own world to the world around them. By engaging in Australian texts, as well as a range of multicultural texts, students will be able to learn and understand they are creatures of stories. Students will creatively, critically and interpretively express their ideas, values and opinions through visual, written and oral responses.
Spelling - Students will continue to engage in the Soundwaves program. The following sounds will be covered this term: ‘p’ as in pig, ‘r’ as in robot, ‘ar’ as in star, ‘s’ as in seal, ‘ir’ as in bird, ‘t’ as in tiger, ‘or’ as in horse, ‘v’ as in vase, ‘w’ as in web and ‘oo’ as in book.
Throughout Term 3, we will be learning about the following concepts:
Whole Number - Recognising that place value is the value of each digit in a number.
Decimals - Multiplying and dividing decimals by whole numbers, as well as by the powers of 10.
Addition and Subtraction - Using a range of addition and subtraction strategies to solve rich tasks.
Length - Connecting decimal representations to the metric system to convert between common metric units of length.
Area - Calculating the perimeters of rectangles using familiar metric units, as well as solving problems involving the comparison of lengths.
Time - Determining and comparing the duration of events, and drawing and interpreting timelines.
Position - Using a grid-reference system to describe locations and describing routes using landmarks and directional language.
Mass - Choosing appropriate units of measurement for mass and converting between common metric units.
Multiplication - Using a range of multiplication strategies to solve real-life problems.
2D Space - How to describe translations, reflections and rotations of two-dimensional shapes.
Other Key Learning Areas:
Geography - Students will be developing their intercultural understanding through the exploration of regions of Asia and investigating the connections Australia has with other countries across the world. Students will also learn about the diversity of the world’s people, including the indigenous peoples of other countries.
PDH - Students will be learning about Child Protection. Students will be taught ways to protect themselves from abuse. They can be ‘enlightened without being frightened’. They can be taught to network with trusted adults and to be aware that there are people and services to help them within their community. In the past, many children and young people have received little or no information about what constitutes abuse or when, how and where abuse occurs. It is important to give students enough information so that, if faced with a situation of potential abuse, they can react quickly and seek protection effectively.
PE - Students will participate in a wide variety of moderate to vigorous physical activities to apply, refine and adapt movement skills with increased confidence and consistency. They will perform specialised movement skills and sequences in a variety of contexts. Students will select, manipulate and modify movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement outcomes and solve movement challenges. They will demonstrate fair play and skills to work collaboratively. Students will apply and adapt strategies and tactics when participating in individual and team activities.
Students will participate in House vs House sport for one hour a week on Friday mornings. Students will participate in four different non-contact sports (due to COVID-19), rotating each week. This term, the sport program offers:
Newcombe ball
Golden Child
Dance Off/Dodgeball
Aboriginal games
C.A.P.A - Students will learn how they and others engage in dance as a performing art for a range of reasons in relation to individuals, the community, societies, culture, and the world. They will use the elements of dance within and outside traditions and conventions to create original and new dance work which expresses ideas and conveys meaning. Students will learn how dance as a performing art occurs in different artistic cultural contexts: indigenous, folk, classical, modern and popular. They will learn about the range of meanings in dance, which like other artworks, can be interpreted by people in different ways.
Each week, students will practice their spelling words. Along with this, students have access to Soundwaves online (spelling), Reading Eggspress, Epic and PM eCollection (reading), and Prodigy (mathematics) to refine their skills.
Students have the opportunity to upload their reading from home onto Seesaw for their teacher/class to see.
Every few weeks, students will have a Passion Project to hand in and present. This can be presented by any medium, on any topic - an area that the student feels passionate about.
Also this term, students will write a speech at home, based on any topic of their choice, to participate in the Penrith Valley Speaking Competition.