Llandilo Public School

Where children are valued and nurtured

Telephone02 4777 4124



Library Mission Statement

The Llandilo Public School Library program seeks to create a 21st century learning environment that promotes a positive attitude towards learning and an appreciation of literature that will grow and develop into a life-long habit of reading. The mission for the school library program is to ensure students develop information and technology literacy skills and to be responsible digital citizens who access and use information competently and with confidence for future learning.

Library Lessons:

All classes K-6 attend a one lesson a week in the library. Our library lessons are planned and aligned with the NSW curriculum to compliment what is being taught in the classroom. Students are taught skills to define tasks, locate information, select appropriate information, organise information, present their learning and evaluate their work.


To develop students’ appreciation for literature they are encouraged to borrow once a week during their library lesson from our selection of fiction and non-fiction books. Students must bring a library bag to borrow. Books need to be returned before taking out a new loan. The books in our library are regularly updated with contemporary and award-winning books, which allows our students access to current literature.

Library during lunch:

The library is open during lunchtimes and is able to be accessed by all students. Students have access to the library to read, relax, borrow, research, play quietly and use the computers and ipads.





National Simultaneous Storytime 2023

Book Cover

On Wednesday 24 May, the library monitors hosted the National Simultaneous Storytime, pyjama day and book swap.

The National Simultaneous Storytime event aims to promote the value of reading and literacy among children.  This year the book shared was 'The Speedy Sloth'.

At the book swap, we had 70 students bring in 168 books to swap. The students who took part, all took home a new preloved book to read.