Llandilo Public School

Where children are valued and nurtured

Telephone02 4777 4124


Stage One

Stage One



We will be engaging in an exciting concept unit that explores literary value, representation, connotation, imagery and symbol through fairy tales. This unit allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the focus concepts as they engage in related experiences across shared reading, writing, grammar and punctuation as well as speaking and listening. Critical and creative thinking will be embedded with the inclusion of STEM investigations.

For spelling, students will continue to engage in the Soundwaves program. The following sounds will be covered this term: ‘oa’ as in boat, ‘p’ as in pig, ‘r’ as in robot, ‘ar’ as in star, ‘s’ as in seal, ‘ir’ as in bird, ‘t’ as in tiger, ‘or’ as in horse, ‘v’ as in vase, ‘w’ as in web and ‘oo’ as in book.



Throughout Term 3, we will be learning about the following concepts:

Whole Number - Trusting the count and place value (ones, tens and hundreds).

Patterns - Creating and continuing object and number patterns.

Addition and Subtraction - Applying and recording strategies  to solve problems involving 2-digit numbers, particularly jump strategy and split strategy.

Length - Estimating, measuring and recording length in metres.

Multiplication and Division - Forming arrays of equal rows and equal columns, describing collections of objects as ‘groups of’, ‘rows of’ or columns of’ as well as recording multiplication and division problems using drawings.

Fractions - Recognising and recording the fractions whole, halve, quarters and eighths.

2D Space - Identifying and performing full, half and quarter turns of a 2D shape.

Time - Reading and recording o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times on digital and analogue clocks.


Other Key Learning Areas:

Geography - Students will learn to use maps to locate and describe the position of Australia and places within Australia as well as the connections people have with places both locally and globally.


PDH - Students will be learning about how to keep themselves and others safe and healthy, including lessons on water safety, emergency services, allergies as well as safe and unsafe situations. 


PE - Sport is now on Thursdays for K-2 and will alternate between Sports In Schools and Stage Sport. In odd weeks, students will participate in Sports In Schools and practice a wide range of fundamental movement skills and dance. During even weeks, Stage One teachers will engage students in cricket activities that focus on the skills of batting, fielding, bowling and running between wickets. We look forward to a great game of cricket at the end of the Term.  


C.A.P.A - Students will engage in both Dance and Visual Art lessons throughout the term. They will create a variety of artworks based on fairy tales while exploring the elements of art (lines, size, shape, texture, colour, form). During dance, students will compose and appreciate dances focusing on the elements of space, time and action.



Students will be provided with weekly homework that includes spelling words, reading eggs, home reading, a mini project and Seesaw activities.

Home reading can be completed in two ways. Online levelled books are available on the PM Website or students can borrow physical books from their classroom.



Science and library are completed by our RFF teachers Mr Basso and Mrs Caloia.